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Registered Electronics Engineer

Quezon City

Who am I

I am Reimart Sarmiento, a recent college graduate from the Technological Institute of the Philippines - Quezon City (TIP-QC). I am also a Registered Electronics Engineer.

I am currently employed in Denso Techno Philippines as a Software Embedded Engineer.

When I am not working on my projects, I usually play with cat, play computer games, or write on my blog. If you have any type of inquiries, do not hesitate to hit me up at


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Soft Sensing Measurement of Dissolved Ammonia Nitrogen in Tank-Based Eel Aquaculture Systems Utilizing Deep Learning
In IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET-ICETA), 2022.
Japanese eels are susceptible to low concentrations of dissolved ammonia nitrogen (NH3−N). To provide proper intervention, measuring the dissolved ammonia nitrogen in the tank-based eel aquaculture is crucial. However, existing laboratory methods and digital sensors are timeconsuming and expensive solutions. This study proposed an Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning (TabNet) Deep Learning soft-sensing model to predict dissolved NH3-N concentrations.