Launch your own webpage

Launch your own website using Hugo
Reading time: 1 minutes.

I used this webpage for two things: demonstrate the projects I have done (portfolio), and to remind me how I did those projects. In this article, I am going to write how I launched this webpage from the start.

Domain name

This step is not required, you can go immediately to Static Site Generator and Deployment to know how this site is generated and deployed.

I got my domain from Namecheap (and yes it is quite cheap). If you are going to launch your own website, I recommend starting with your name and search if it is available. In general .com domains are more expensive but I recommend taking it over .xyz so that your potential visitors are not apprehensive to open your webpage.

There are many domain registrars in the market but I recommend starting with Namecheap as it is reliable and cheaper compared to alternatives such as Cloudflare, Google, Amazon, and etc.

Static Site Generator

This webpage is generated by a static site generator (SSG), particularly Hugo. There are also many SSGs in the market, but I recommend starting with Hugo to experiment as it is relatively fast and has a respectable community support. If you are apprehensive to writing HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript do not fret as you will write little if none of those things although you need to be comfortable in writing markdown files. If you are not comfortable in writing markdown files, you can go here or just follow through the rest of the tutorial as I am going to explain each step as I go.


In Ubuntu/Debian environments

$ apt install hugo

In Arch Linux

$ pacman -S hugo

Building your own



  • Setup S3
  • Setup CloudFront

Updating the site

Last modified 2024.01.14